Springrose Security

Safety through knowledge, reliability through experience.

Spanning all sectors of security

Due to our unique combination of hands-on experience, years of education and seamless communication, our team can provide every type of security, individually tailored to your unique requirements.


Open Source Intelligence

The ability to find and compile any and all information pertaining to you, or your business that's currently available online. We will scour both the surface and dark web tirelessly, to ensure our OSINT audits cover everything, including things you didn't even know where online yet or information intentionally hidden.

Network Logo

Network Auditing

Our team will audit your businesses network in an attempt to find vulnerabilities, and how to mitigate them, as well as scan the network for any malware that may already exist.


Operational Security

To provide the best auditing possible for your business, our team will enact risk assessment by posing as threat actors, finding vulnerabilities in your access controls and pre-existing security measures, and help you mitigate them every step of the process.

Threat Intelligence

Secure yourself and your business

With more data breaches happening every year, no business should ever go without proper audits. Through our services you can ensure your practices always stay up to date, so that your clients may rest easy.

  • Comprehensive reports
  • Thorough audits
  • World class data protection

Services that fit your needs

Whether you need your network checked for ongoing attacks, to find the source of a data breach, improve your access control or require more specific security concepts tailored to your individual needs. Our services will include what you're looking for.

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Find where your data is hiding

Using the most up to date open source intelligence techniques, Springrose Security will scan data across all corners of the web to find data relevant to your company and it's employees. This can be anything from leaked intellectual property, data breaches and sensible private information of employees all the way to knowing what people are saying about your company online.

Get In Contact

No matter what, we've got you covered.

Features 02

. Your network

Whether you want to install additional security measures, suspect some malware or an attack has already happened our competent network specialists have your back!

. Your facilities

It doesn't matter whether you're worried about break-ins, access control or want the best possible training for your guards, Springrose has the solution you're looking for.

. Ongoing protection

As security threats evolve so does our response. Our unique security concepts feature several contingencies that can be applied the instant a treat has evolved.